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  • jmcpherson6

Movie Review

Movie Review  The Princess Bride Based on the novel by William Goldman The Princess Bride is a classic film that everyone must watch. This 14 year in the making movie is well worth watching with both children and adults. It is a fairy tale type story that involves a long thwarted love between Princess Buttercup and her childhood sweetheart Westly. As Princess Buttercup is forced into a royal marriage, she is kidnapped by a brute, a swordsman, and a Cecelian seeking to start a war between two nations. However, their plan goes awry when Westly, unbeknownst to Buttercup, rescues her under the pretense of The Dread Pirate Roberts.  Buttercup then discovers his identity as her childhood lover and together they start a perilous journey through the Cliffs of Insanity that contains traps such as quicksand and the Rodents of Unusual Sizes(ROUS). Along with the swordsman, a Spaniard, they then search for the six-fingered man who had killed his father. The journey continues from there in many twists and turns that leave the reader or movie goer on edge. It is filled with drama, action-packed fighting, and plenty of humor that makes this movie the perfect family entertainment.  HS

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